Are there any specialist insurance policies available for the food and beverage industry?

Yes, specialised insurance policies such as food contamination insurance, equipment breakdown insurance, and transportation insurance are able to meet the unique needs of business owners in the food and beverage industry. Speak to one fo the team today if you are still unsure what applies to you.

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Why Do You Need Contractors Insurance?

Not having contractors insurance could end in disaster for your business. Whether it's a minor on-site injury or a serious property damage claim, the financial impact could be devastating. Our construction and contractors policy offers the financial protection, to cover legal costs and compensate for any injuries to employees, subcontractors, or the public.

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Is Contractor Insurance a Legal Requirement?

No, employer's liability is legally required, but comprehensive contractors' insurance goes further than basic compliance. It's about protecting your business, your livelihood, and your reputation from potential risks and liabilities.

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Is asbestos abatement covered by insurance?

Yes, we offer insurance for various companies that may encounter asbestos. This includes: Asbestos removal contractors Asbestos surveyors Asbestos consultants Asbestos license holders restricted to hiring employees Asbestos license holders restricted to scaffolding and associated work Asbestos license holders restricted to supervisory roles Asbestos license holders licensed to maintain air extraction equipment

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